Easter Jeep Safari 2016 Flat Fender Fun Run (unoffical)

This was our second time on the Flat Fender Fun Run (fffr) at EJS 2016 . The FFFR is put on by Brennan Metcalf. He was one of the invited readers and a returning reader to the Ultimate Adventure in 2014 and 2015. You can read all about the Ultimate Adventures here.  http://www.fourwheeler.com/ultimate-adventure/  and they are currently taking applications for 2017. This FFFR was pretty big with a total of 44 flatties! You can read about it here. http://www.fourwheeler.com/moab-experience/2016/friday-flatfender-run-at-ejs-2016-in-moab/ I would never have thought some day my jeep would be sitting between Summer Camp Jeep and the legend Soni Honneger. Here are a few pics of our trip.

On the drive out I had a leak in the radiator. Quick fix while we grabbed some Ice Cream and some fantastic Banana Bread.






The meet up spot. Tons of cool rigs to see!

On Thursday I met up with a couple of guys from Oregon in their hand built flat fender. We ran Cane Creek. What a great trail with incredible views and an nice challenging climb. I heard someone call it the mini Rubicon. I'm not sure that is what its called but I am okay with that description. 

Thanks Mike